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+1 800-708-8104


Automotive Industries

Our services are present at every step of the automotive force chain either for auto suppliers, machine manufacturers, importers, or distributors.

Storehouse services and a wide range of transport results to insure your factors and vehicles arrive on time to their destination.

Specific Services To The Automotive Assiduity

Having further than expansive, proved, and recognised experience in the automotive assiduity, with the loftiest quality and control instruments, Cargo Logistics offer a wide variety of services, covering all the requirements that this assiduity bear

  • Transportation of pieces, factors, and reserves of vehicles, either by road, ocean and/ or air. Lifting units, lashing of pieces, etc.
  • Force of JIT(Just- In- Time) results delivered to the product lines, CKD deliveries, critical orders and other special results like orders from manufacturers and suppliers of the automotive assiduity.
  • Issuing customs concurrence, as well as advising on the procedures in the automotive assiduity (special administrations, import, alternate hand units, special import permits for army and major vehicles, etc.).
  • Global trade compliance
  • ISC and PO operation for the automotive
  • Value Easy combination of multiple results for complex matters
  • Warehousing and contract logistics
  • Devoted to assiduity expert platoon